Here you can find some necessary information you need, when you are interested to study (Pedagogy/ Educational Science) at our University in Mainz.
Our department deals with educational science, the development and educations of individuals. Our aim is to empower and facilitate a more independent and self-responsible way of life within society. You can find more information about the study program and your opportunities at the Johannes Gutenberg-University here.
If you have any questions regarding the program, do not hesitate to contact the study office.
The details concerning your stay, whether it is information about your arrival, the semester ticket or German language proficiency, are all handled by the International Office.
Other important and more detailed information about your studies at Faculty 02: Social Sciences, Media, and Sports are on the faculty website. If you have any questions about studying at the Faculty 02: Social Sciences, Media, and Sports or about your stay in Mainz at the JGU, do not hesitate to contact: sowiso@uni-mainz.de.